Time Gone displays the elapsed percentage of today, this month and this year with a progress bar (Chrome extension)

Time Gone displays the elapsed percentage of today, this month and this year with a progress bar (Chrome extension)

In order to avoid wasting time, many people will make plans before the start of the new year, or take the time longer and set mid- and long-term goals, so that the phased tasks can be completed step by step. Are you such a person? If every year at the end of the year find that this year has passed again, but it seems that a lot of things have not been done, I will still be a little disappointed! How do you remind yourself of the importance of time? Introduced before “Year Progress”The progress bar that has passed this year will be displayed on the new tab of the browser, which graphically makes users feel more about time; there is also a “Motivation”The extension will display your actual age on a new page, and present the age of the user as an ever-increasing number, which has a very reminding effect.

This article will introduce “Time Gone”Is a time-related Chrome extension. It can display daily, monthly, and yearly as a progress bar with a percentage, Make users feel more when watching, and have reminder function. Time Gone will be displayed as a clock icon in the browser toolbar, and the screen shown above will be displayed in the drop-down function after clicking.

In addition, Time Gone allows users to set their own birthday, and will display their actual age under the time data. For example, they have been alive for 15 years, 1 month and 15 days. It is also a way to tell oneself that life is limited and grasp every moment. .

Time Gone
Chrome Web Store

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Open the Chrome App Store page of Time Gone, click on the upper right corner “Add to Chrome“To install.

Time Gone


After installation, click the Time Gone icon and you will see a time progress bar, which represents the percentage of time that has elapsed today, this month, and this year. There will also be a “Set date of birth“Option to set birthday.

Time Gone

I will use the opening date of the free resource network community as a test example.

Time Gone


After setting, Time Gone will not only display the percentage of year, month, and day, but also your actual age at the bottom, which is quite interesting. Interested friends can install it and try to remind yourself that time is precious in a more intuitive way.

Time Gone

Three reasons to try:

  1. Time Gone visualizes the time and presents it with a progress bar plus a percentage
  2. Can show how much time has passed today, this month and this year
  3. Setting a birthday will also display the user’s true age

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